Sadie and Lucy
Just a few of the wonderful people we celebrated with.
Thanks Uncle Ben for loving Everett aside from all his slobber. For the record I don't dress my child with his shirt half undone, I was getting him into jammies, but was distracted by something or someone.
Sadie we love you!
Happy Birthday Sadie! I had forgotten just how close she and Nats are! I thought Sadie was a little older, but Nats will be three next month. Is that another cake you made??? So cute!
She looks so much like you. SO adorable. I'm impressed with the baking, and saddened that you ended up with a pink cake as well. Oh well. Little girls just don't realize that pink cakes aren't delicious.
wow - she is growing up! she is beautiful...of course. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SADIE!!!!!!!!!
she's such a little lady now! I can't believe how big she is. -ashleigh
You should send Casey a picture of his "girlfriend" Sadie.
Happy B-day. Can't wait to see you on Friday.
She is so beautiful!!!!! Strawberries and chocolate together! Natalee, how can you not like the two together? I personally think it is an excellent combo, just not with icing. Hope you are your warm weather! Oh I do miss warm weather, and you of course!
Natalee, I'm so behind on checking your blog! How is Sadie THREE?!!! I remember you telling me she was on her way at the South Boudler Rec. Center while swimming! Time does fly. She is beautiful, and so is the whole family. I miss you.
She is just SO adorable! I'm always impressed with your cakes!
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