Friday, January 23, 2009

What He'll Do For A Candybar

About 7 or 8 months ago Hudson was sitting in Primary (I am a Primary teacher so I was there) sharing time and one of the kids was called to the front to pick out a GIANT candybar, no kingsize here, for memorizing his Articles of Faith (these are 13 statements about our beliefs). After primary Hudson asked how he can get one of those candybars (it's not like he is deprived of sweets or anything). I told him he would have to memorize the A of F's. Thinking he would forget or give up after realizing how many there were and how long it would take I didn't think much of it. Well after he memorized number 4 I realized he was really taking this seriously. Here I have a hard time getting him to sit and color for 5 minutes and he wants to memorize his Articles of Faith??? So this last Sunday he passed off number 13!
We would practice them before going to bed and of course Sadie wanted to do it too, so I got a little recording of Sadie doing number 10. Hudson wouldn't perform for the camera.


Hannah said...

She is such a cutie! I miss you guys!

Nick and Ashleigh said...

I think this is the sweetest thing i've ever seen!

Unknown said...

Oh my word!!!! She is amazing! I love her!!!

liz said...

Your kids are too cute. I give our kids a regular sized candy bar for each article of faith. I like the giant candy bar idea.

Nichole and Jeremy said...

That was the cutest thing I think I have ever seen! Good job Sadie and Hudson!


aunt Nichole

Teri said...

This is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time.

Jill said...

Amazingly smart. Avery sings along to the radio instead of spiritual things like that. The other day I caught her singing "Living On A Prayer". Awesome.

Emily said...

That is so cute i can't stand it!

Maly and Dan said...


Melissa said...

That is the sweetest little voice in the world! And very dedicated to learning... except when blankie is threatened! Nice that she has her priorities straight. :)

Cami said...

So cute! I love her! She recites it in "a matter of fact" type of way. I miss you!

Anonymous said...

sadie i think you a the best three year old ever

Mark and Kiss said...
