Thursday, September 17, 2009

1 Week Old

I'm so in love.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not The Baby

For the past 2 1/2 years this has been the baby. Since Abram was born he has seemed so huge to me and heavy! And I am realizing he might be a little big for a sink bath!

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Good Friends

I've abandoned these friends for two and a half years. I totally forgot about them until the last few nights where I have been up with Abram all night. For some odd reason this is what I watch. I don't know if I am too tired to change the channel, or find something on demand. I just sit and watch this. And they are funny. I am not sure if they really are or if I am so tired it just seems that way. Soon Abram will sleep and I will abandon them again until the next baby comes, that is if there is a next baby!
Speaking of real friends. I could not do this without them. Bringing meals, babysitting children. People are so kind. Thank you people.
Thankful for a good husband too. Always helping, cleaning, and taking good care of me. Thank you husband.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven

Abram Thomas Maxfield came into the world at 4:28pm on Sept 10th, 2009. He was induced a couple of days early. The doctor gave me the choice of Wednesday or Thursday and after I chose Thursday I realized a few days later his birthday could have been 09/09/09! That would have been easy to remember.
Oh well, I am just glad he is here and safe and of course so cute.
The labor was smooth and predictable and probably the best delivery of all four of them. It's always amazing to me how quickly we fall in love with them.One of my favorite moments after delivering is Daddy holding our babies for the first time. He always gets a little choked up and so do I. So sweet.The kids were so excited to come and meet thier brother. Everett was hillarious. I was surprised at how thrilled he was to see Abram. Hopefully that never changes :)Hudson loves him and always wants to hold him.

And Sadie too...

Our FOUR children. Do we really have four?!

Abram we are in love with you and so happy you are here!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Off To Kindergarten He Goes

While I was at the hospital in labor my friend Laura had the kids and she took Hudson to the bus stop for his second day of school.

Mom at bus stop to Hudson: "So are you so excited to have a new brother?"

H: "yeah, but I am more excited to ride this bus."

Hudson has been counting down the days for kindergarten to start and as he said has been even more excited because he gets to ride the bus. On his first day I thought that maybe once we got to the bus stop he would be a little apprehensive to get on. Nope. Just jumped right on. "By mom!" And off he went to start his journey with school.

Good job buddy.