Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven

Abram Thomas Maxfield came into the world at 4:28pm on Sept 10th, 2009. He was induced a couple of days early. The doctor gave me the choice of Wednesday or Thursday and after I chose Thursday I realized a few days later his birthday could have been 09/09/09! That would have been easy to remember.
Oh well, I am just glad he is here and safe and of course so cute.
The labor was smooth and predictable and probably the best delivery of all four of them. It's always amazing to me how quickly we fall in love with them.One of my favorite moments after delivering is Daddy holding our babies for the first time. He always gets a little choked up and so do I. So sweet.The kids were so excited to come and meet thier brother. Everett was hillarious. I was surprised at how thrilled he was to see Abram. Hopefully that never changes :)Hudson loves him and always wants to hold him.

And Sadie too...

Our FOUR children. Do we really have four?!

Abram we are in love with you and so happy you are here!


Unguren said...

Congrats on the new baby. He is a cute one!

Melissa said...

So cute! I love his little squishy nose. :) Hope you're getting back into the swing of things with #4. Really??? 4??

And good job Hudson jumping on the bus! He and Isaac will get along fab! We live too close to his school for him to ride the bus and he just can't get over the heart break!

Unknown said...

Did I ever tell you I love his name? I do.

Nichole and Jeremy said...

So sweet! So excited to meet him! Love you!

Lindsey said...

Congrats Natalee....he is adorable! All of your kids are getting so big, I can't believe it! You are awesome....4 kids and you still have time to blog! :) Miss you lots.