Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Off To Kindergarten He Goes

While I was at the hospital in labor my friend Laura had the kids and she took Hudson to the bus stop for his second day of school.

Mom at bus stop to Hudson: "So are you so excited to have a new brother?"

H: "yeah, but I am more excited to ride this bus."

Hudson has been counting down the days for kindergarten to start and as he said has been even more excited because he gets to ride the bus. On his first day I thought that maybe once we got to the bus stop he would be a little apprehensive to get on. Nope. Just jumped right on. "By mom!" And off he went to start his journey with school.

Good job buddy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am giving you permission to pat yourself on the back for raising a five year old with the confidence to get on a giant bus and be excited for school! Yes! You did it! Good job Hudson too!