Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sadie's Over the Top 5th Birthday Party

I admit. This party was a bit over the top. But it wasn't my fault. When my friend Kendra heard I was throwing a fairy party for Sadie she couldn't help but get involved...well...and I'm glad she did. We had a blast putting this together. Happy Birthday Sade!

Sign on the door. Just a little photoshop for some wings and a pink shirt (instead of orange halloween) and blow it up at Costco. $2. fun.
Front room decor. The tree is holding their fairy necklaces (which Kendra made) and flower clips (which Kendra showed me how to make). Oh and she made the tree too. I kid you not. She is crazy.
So the fairy's had to earn their wings, wands, and skirts by doing different fairy tasks...
They had to clear the "snow" from the fairy village...find all the fairy treasure (which was little jewels)...

and they played another fairy game not pictured which was carrying fairy dust on a spoon across the room and filling a cup.

Happy Fairies (from front left around the table) Edith Monson, Audrey, Sadie, Ishita, Kiera, (Lily my 9 year old neighbor who helped me is standing, wish I had a better pic of her), Laura Jenson in green shirt, Jenna McMurdie, and Eliza Behunin.

All the fairy's kept their fairy outfits and treasures and the birthday fairy was very happy.
Next year. Pizza with the family :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Seriously. Dear Time, just stop for a day so I can freeze these moments in my heart. My baby is already one! Those cheeks just cannot be kissed enough!

Need I say more?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

One more...

I had to add one more to the "funny kids" that Hudson said to me yesterday. We were out playing and our neighbors Clara and her little girl Halena came over to play. Clara and I were sitting on the porch bench talking. Hudson comes up and asks if I would play basketball with him. ..

Me: "Not right now Hudson." (Don't judge :) We play plenty )
H: "Mom, you've been sitting there forever." (it had been maybe 5 minutes)
Me: "Hudson just go play for a bit, okay?"
H: "C'mon Mom! Seriously you haven't done anything today! You need to come play with me!"
Me: "Hudson, what do you think I have done today?"
H: "Well, you went for a jog, then you have been on the couch for the rest of the day."

Awesome. So while Hudson is at school he thinks I sit on the couch all day. No wonder we have so many miscommunications.

Me: "Hudson, when you grow up and become a Daddy you will realize I do something all day."
Clara: "Maybe not."

That made me laugh.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Funny Kids

For Abram's birthday I had M&M's scattered on the table as part of the decor. (I knew once the kids noticed, there would be no resisting). Sadie noticed first and asked if she could have one. I told her let's wait until Abram wakes up and the party starts. A few minutes later she tries again. "Just one mom and that's it." I told her if she had one then she would ask for more. "nope, I won't I'll have just one." Me, "just one. and you won't ask for more." "yep." "okay." She takes one and eats it. Not more that one minute later, "can I have one more M&M?" Oh, Sade I love you.

Hudson Needs a Furnace
Hudson came home from school.
"Mom I need a furnace."
m: "a furnace?"
h: "yes. I need a furnace to take to school."
m: "a furnace to take to school?"
h: "yes."
m: "why?"
h: "to keep things warm."
m: "like what?"
h: "like if I want to bring hot chocolate, or soup."
m: "Oh, you mean a thermos!"
h: "Oh, a thermos."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Train Table for Everett

I have a child OBSESSED with trains. Train shirts, train tracks, train books, trains...trains...trains. I am often tripping over trains or tracks or the like. Until now...

Grandpa Jim built the perfect thing for Everett...a train table!! Now instead of tracks all over my floor they can be up on his table or be put away in his nice large drawers! Grandpa crafted it after the Pottery Barn Table and it looks like an exact replica! We are so lucky to have such a talented Grandpa and this is something we can keep and pass down for generations! Thank you Dad!!! I wish I would have caught on camera when we brought it upstairs, but I was not fast enough! He loves it. That's an understatement!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello Out There!

I'm here! And I have been promising a new post! I know my blog is so popular and you just can't wait for an update! Actually I think Tiffany, Melissa, and Nichole are the only ones left that read (or reread) my boring blog.
So I am not posting the list of posts I've been meaning to post yet. I am tired. I was up painting the baby's room until 1 and woke up at 5:30 for a jog. I Got Hudson off to soccer camp, took the kids to the park, etc, etc. I just put in a movie for the kids and put the baby down for a nap. I have a stack of laundry to fold (just one!), dinner to put on, blog posts to create, but you know what I am going to do? I am going up to my room onto my bed and taking a nap. But because you are all so faithful and check my blog daily :) I will post some random pics because I know you are all sick of looking at Abram's eczema (which he has pretty much grown out of btw). So just hang on and keep checking and future posts are up and coming...(aren't you so excited?!)..
BTW I am backdating some posts so they might appear before this post.

Eczema free and a head full of hair! Already had two haircuts! Happy fat baby and just sits and plays. No crawling yet! 10 months old!!


Sunday, May 30, 2010


Steve and I had the chance to escape for our 8th anniversary to Astoria for 2 days and a night. Astoria is about an hour and a half drive northwest of here at the mouth of the Columbia River. We enjoyed ourselves immensly.
We went to dinner at a restraunt on the beach, saw some sights of the town (including the Goonies house), listened to the sea lions bark on the shore, and so much more!

Climbed the Astoria Column. 125 ft. high and great view of the town at the top, including the Columbia River flowing into the Pacific Ocean.

Astoria-Megler Bridge. Very long.

Wish Steve was writing this post, he would give MUCH better detail. (Hon, take a minute and fill in.)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Everett is Three!

Happy Happy Birthday Everett. Oh how we all love you!!!

Three Things Everett loves...

1. Trains, of course.

2. Running. Everywhere he goes he runs. Around the house. To the neighbors. Down the hall to nursery. He sprints laps around the kitchen everyday and the kids often say, "Everett runs faster than me!"

3. "Nilla Yogurt". He loves vanilla yogurt. Could eat it by the pint.

4. I know I said three, but I can't leave out his boots. He loves his rain boots even in the heat. Luckily I have been able to get him to wear sandals as well. But he still sports the boots with shoes and no socks. Wish I had a pic of him with shorts and his boots. But I don't.

Everett is very fun to be around and has a fantastic personality. He is growing in independence and often gets himself dressed. He will surprise me with this and come downstairs and yell, "ta-da!!"

He has always been very articulate. And he says so many funny things. Some of my favorite things he says are,

  • when I ask him to do something, "ah, sure."

  • Below is a picture of the hand. He gives the hand many times throughout the day and it makes me laugh. He usually puts up the hand and says, "Mom, wait. I have to tell you somefing."

  • "actually, I don't think so." I just love the way he says actually.

  • "Hi, Abram! I love you Abram!" (in a cute baby voice). He loves to talk and play with Abram. He often lays his head in Abrams lap and lets him pull his hair and grab his face and he just laughs. From day one he has loved Abram and has never had a bit of jeoulousy...yet.

    Your awesome Ev.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I guess before Hudson turns 7 I better post something.  We have been in and out of doctors offices for the past few months.  So fun.  Mostly dealing with this...

Ahh!  I know!  Doesn't that look aweful!  This was not even the worst.  It got so bad.  I was into the regular pediatrician 3x and then finally got a referral for a pediatric dermatologist who got him looking like this...
Beautiful right?  Well then he went back to this...
Help!  So back into the pediatric dermatologist and he is now looking like this...

I'm hopeful, but not convinced. We'll see what happens when he is off the topical steroid, which he is already supposed to be off of...long story.  Poor baby.  And he smiles through it all.  Seriously.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The following is a conglomeration of events that have happened over the past several months.  About 10 posts in one.  Lots of catching up.  My sisters will be happy...
A friend invited Hudson to free hockey day.  Before he got on the ice he asked me if he was going to be on TV.  When he got on he could not wait to get off!
I know the helmet looks huge, but it was actually quite tight.  Sorry buddy you got my head.  He had a headache all day.
He looked really cute in all the gear though!

Childrens Museum.  We spend at least 2x a month here or OMSI.  Love the museums here.  And so do the kids...

The dentist! We all made it to the dentist. I can't believe Everett actually sat through an appointment and let them clean his teeth! He looked so tiny!

At Home...
Sadie is usually found in several different outfits throughout the day.  And I often see her lips shiny with gloss.  I'm in trouble.  This pose kills me.
Our neighbor Lily.  Lily is one of the biggest blessings in my life!  She comes over after school about three times a week just to "hang out".  She plays non-stop with the kids and plays/helps with the baby.  I am so lucky.  I love this girl.  I love 10 year olds.
Abram spends a lot of time in the bumbo watching the world go round.  I think he might be tired of this.
Sadie's Joy School goes to the Firestation.  From Left.  Jenna McMurdie, Logan (Jenna's little brother), Sadie, Aidan Blatner (Everett's train buddy), Everett (not part of the preschool, though he thought he was), Edith Monson (back), Noelle Mortensen.

Everett asked almost every question.  Not all of them made sense, but he was loving the big truck.

When we flew home from Colorado the pilot invited Hudson to the cock pit.  Cool.

Okay this is really old, but cannot go untold.  We cut down our own Christmas tree.  A new tradition has begun.  The kids got to take a hay ride.  They loved it.

I love this picture.  It shows what Hudson does on a typical day when he gets home from school.  Puts away his backpack and coat and talks to Abram.  It's precious.