Thursday, March 11, 2010


I guess before Hudson turns 7 I better post something.  We have been in and out of doctors offices for the past few months.  So fun.  Mostly dealing with this...

Ahh!  I know!  Doesn't that look aweful!  This was not even the worst.  It got so bad.  I was into the regular pediatrician 3x and then finally got a referral for a pediatric dermatologist who got him looking like this...
Beautiful right?  Well then he went back to this...
Help!  So back into the pediatric dermatologist and he is now looking like this...

I'm hopeful, but not convinced. We'll see what happens when he is off the topical steroid, which he is already supposed to be off of...long story.  Poor baby.  And he smiles through it all.  Seriously.


Nichole and Jeremy said...

I love the last pic of Abram! So sweet! I am glad he is feeling better!

Hope it continues to go your way!

Trish said...

He loonks a lot better even after I stared helping you out.

Emily said...

Love all the updates! Sorry to hear about the excema battle, but glad it seems to be getting better.

Melissa said...

ohhhh, poor baby! isaac gets stuff like that on the backs of his legs. no fun... so i've just been catching up with you guys. are you buying a house?? that's exciting! i love all the "real life" photos.

Mark and Kiss said...

Awwww...what a sweet little dumpling!

Cami said...

Oh my! I love Abram! He is the cutest baby....seriously! I hope it gets better for you/him! Nice to catch up on your busy life with all of the other posts! miss you!

Gladiz said...

He's so cute! Poor little guy, glad things are much better!

Whit said...

Haven't checked your blog for too long! Even with the eczema he is one cute kid! Good luck.

katie and co. said...

Those are the cutest pictures! Even with the eczema! WE HATE THAT STUFF by the way. Everyone has it in our family but Betsy. Ugh...hang in there!

Unknown said...

I hated this part of baby-hood for my oldest. She had that stuff. As long as I kept the cream on it, she was ok. But I hated putting on the cream all the time. I just got the over the counter stuff. Have you tried that? We also do a sock full of oatmeal in the bath now and then. She still has skin stuff but not too bad, and not on her face anymore, thank heavens! Hope your doc helps you bunches. You are a good little ma. Hang in there...Love Emily

wrightNOW said...

Natalie, This is your long time b-ball, soft-ball friend...
My little guy had/has really bad eczema too. My dentist neighbor suggested that he may be allergic to milk. So i took him off all milk. He drank goats milk, rice milk, almond milk. No icecream cheese, or yogart. It took several weeks for the milk to get out of his system...then all of a sudden his skin started to clear up. We used to have tears and screams every night after baths, or swimming, or bare feet...his skin hurt so bad...not any more. Just an idea. Good is hard to see them uncomfortable!

katie and co. said...

WE HAVE MAJOR ECZEMA ISSUES TOO. So not fun, but a part of our every day life around here. My kids go in and out of eczema spells. My oldest though has seemed to grow out of it mostly. There's hope! :)

Mark and Kiss said...

Looking for more news from my friends up north! How are you? We need to get together!

Hoping that the eczema has cleared up...