Sunday, January 27, 2008

God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again

I teach in the primary at church (the 6 year olds). Our sharing time leader got realeased a few weeks ago and she came in today to say goodbye to all of the kids. She had them sing the song she taught them called Latter-Day Prophets. It goes through all the names of the prophets and ends with "Gordon B. Hinckley shows the way, we hear and follow his words today." It is quite a catchy little tune and I have had it in my head all day. After dinner we received news that President Hinckley passed away.

He has been the prophet of the church since I was 16 years old. Throughout my teenage years I remember being so inspired by him. He and his wife came to Colorado to speak to the youth when I was 17. Carrie and I got there early and lined up outside the door to get good seats. We were more excited for this than we were a Smashing Pumpkins concert. They opened the doors and we walked as fast as we could without running (only b/c the leaders told us not to) to get the best seats. We ended up 3rd row back. In my journal I wrote, "It was an amazing spiritual experience which I wish could happen 10 times over." My sophmore year in college I read his biography by Sheri Dew (It took me the whole year). I remember being impressed by his accomplishments and at the same time his amazing humility. Serving the Lord was his priority and his testimony was bold. His humor made life fun and trials more bearable. I love how he used his cane. I think for the first year he had it he just carried it and pointed it at people or waved with it. Below he is tapping Elder Eyring on the head with it after Elder Eyring was sustained into the First Presidency.
I am just greatful to have had him as a prophet as long as we did. He once quoted Matt 10:39 "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." He said that scripture changed his life and he has tried to live by its words. He was lost in the work of the Lord and his life here will be missed. "God be with you till we meet again!"

Thursday, January 10, 2008

29 Things I Love About Steve...

1. He sings to our kids

2. He sings in the shower, usually the Star-Spangled Banner

3. He almost always has a pen handy (he's a cute nerd)

4. He loves kids and will often say how cute "so and so's" baby is

5. He could eat pizza for every meal and never tire of it AND never get fat

6. He doesn't mind me giving him orders the minute he gets home (or he doesn't complain about it)

7. He wrestles and plays with the kids while I make dinner

8. When I'm out with friends or shopping he often says, "take as long as you need".

9. He cleans the shower better than me and he wears flip flops while doing it

10. He memorizes maps and therefore knows where everything is

11. He cleans my car inside and out and changes the oil

12. He is extremely honest

13. He is a great communicator

14. He is the most forgiving person I have ever met, maybe because I have offended him the most :). He also quickly forgives and never holds a grudge.

15. When girls night is at my house he ends up hanging out with us

16. He is so friendly

17. He has multiple nicknames...the beav, zippy, maxfly, name just a few

18. He knows random facts. He answers all the kids questions when they ask, "what's that?" he always has an answer and some details.

19. He will go on an occasional jog with me

20. He always beats me on a jog, no matter if I have been running for months. I pretend it annoys me, but I am actually glad he isn't slugging behind

21. He always sincerely tells me I look good, even when I am 9 mo. pregnant

22. He loves the outdoors, he takes us hiking, running in the mountains

23. He puts almost everything into an excel spreadsheet

24. He does the finances and bills

25. He breaks out into dancing at random moments

26. He makes the kids laugh by making weird faces

27. He likes to plant flowers and take care of the yard (when we have one)

28. Everything he tries he ends up being good at

29. He is the best father and husband

Happy 29th! Love you!