Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Funny Kids

For Abram's birthday I had M&M's scattered on the table as part of the decor. (I knew once the kids noticed, there would be no resisting). Sadie noticed first and asked if she could have one. I told her let's wait until Abram wakes up and the party starts. A few minutes later she tries again. "Just one mom and that's it." I told her if she had one then she would ask for more. "nope, I won't I'll have just one." Me, "just one. and you won't ask for more." "yep." "okay." She takes one and eats it. Not more that one minute later, "can I have one more M&M?" Oh, Sade I love you.

Hudson Needs a Furnace
Hudson came home from school.
"Mom I need a furnace."
m: "a furnace?"
h: "yes. I need a furnace to take to school."
m: "a furnace to take to school?"
h: "yes."
m: "why?"
h: "to keep things warm."
m: "like what?"
h: "like if I want to bring hot chocolate, or soup."
m: "Oh, you mean a thermos!"
h: "Oh, a thermos."


Trish said...

yes I can see them doing that. They know you will give in if they keep asking after you have said no.

Wendy and I saw the balunes in your car. I told her Abrom was having a birthday in September.

Sorry we haven't done anything since the end of Aug. I thought you were busy.

Cami said...

Hey! Such cuties you have. Kids do say the funniest things. That must be a Hudson'ism". Thermos, furnace. It's all the same when you come from a place like AZ. Miss you!

Emily said...

You are so good about writing down funny things your kids say. I have good intentions of doing that... They are so cute!

carrie said...

Really a furnace would do the job too...

Unknown said...

I love everything that comes out of Hudson's mouth! Classic! Keep writing it down. Maybe you could turn it into a children's book someday...

Unknown said...

I can't stop giggling! Aren't kids the cutest. Thanks for sharing....Love seeing your sweet family. Your family pix is to die for and you are looking so skinny, my dear. love it all....