Monday, September 14, 2009

My Good Friends

I've abandoned these friends for two and a half years. I totally forgot about them until the last few nights where I have been up with Abram all night. For some odd reason this is what I watch. I don't know if I am too tired to change the channel, or find something on demand. I just sit and watch this. And they are funny. I am not sure if they really are or if I am so tired it just seems that way. Soon Abram will sleep and I will abandon them again until the next baby comes, that is if there is a next baby!
Speaking of real friends. I could not do this without them. Bringing meals, babysitting children. People are so kind. Thank you people.
Thankful for a good husband too. Always helping, cleaning, and taking good care of me. Thank you husband.


Gramma said...

You have the cutest kids!! I can see why you love them so. Both their Grampa and I love your blog with its pictures and all their commenta! You will be so happy in later years you have all their sayings!! You and Steven are a GREAT team!!

Unknown said...

I am glad you are getting a little sleep these days. Sorry I don't know who your t.v. friends are...but, maybe I am glad I don't. They are the 3 a.m. team?

Steve said...

That guy used to be on a Denver news channel...

And yes, I know I'm amazing. Thanks for confirming. :-)

The Cleverleys said...

I am right there with ya! I think I don't change the channel because I AM too tired. LOL, the things we do as moms! Hope you guys are doing great! congrats on the baby, he is adorable!