Thursday, September 18, 2008

Top 10 Theories on Why Everett Does Not Sleep

So my cute little Everett...innocent looking isn't he? I love him to death and could kiss his squishy cheeks all day long, but why oh why does he not sleep?

10. He's teething

9. There is mold in the basement and he is allergic to it

8. He's cold

7. He has food allergies and he gets an upset stomach at night

6. He has reflux and gets a burn in his throat from it

5. He has post nasal drip

4. He has gas

3. He's uncomfortable

2. He doesn't like sleeping with his siblings

1. He has allergies

What's your theory? Night terrors? Allergic to dogs? (our landlords have one). I think I have heard them all, but please add to the list if you have one. His symptoms are frequent runny nose, occasional cough, throwing up randomly throughout the day (but generally happy during the day), about an hour after you lie him down for bed he wakes up screaming (9/10 nights). Back to bed after being calmed (trust me we have tried more than 5 times having him cry it out, you can only tolerate so much in a basement 2 bedroom), again wakes after a few hours screaming, calm him. Drink. Food. Movie. Bed. Sometimes wakes again, same routine. Wakes for the day between 6:30-7:30am. One crazy piece to the puzzle is he slept through the night in Colorado for 2 weeks straight. He was in his own room. Who knows.

He has been to the doctor more times than any of my other kids put together. And we have never figured him out. You ask, what about the soy thing? Well, several months ago we reintroduced it slowly and he was fine. For the past 2-3 months he has not thrown up with soy. And now all of the sudden he is puking again.. I know, I know take him off soy. It's not that easy. He's just complicated and very opinionated (as far as food goes). There is only so much he will eat. I thought I was a perfect parent until I had him. Just kidding. But I sure am appreciating the mom's who struggle because now I am one of them. My child does not sleep (like an 18 month-old should) and he's a picky eater. The two things I always thought I could train kids on. Sleep train them and let them starve if they don't eat the good stuff, they'll eventually eat healthy if they are hungry. My opinions have changed. Some kids are special. Everett is one of them. I realize many moms have it much worse, but thought I would vent and get a few more opinions. You never know when the right one will come around.

Right now I am trying to just give him fresh foods with no preservitives, eggs, milk, or soy. It's been 2 days. I'll let you know how that pans out.


Nichole and Jeremy said...

Jeremy thinks it is nightmares of him... :) So I guess Everett can join The Dylan Makenzee Wyatt club of picky picky eaters.

I hope things get better....Maybe he is just trying to tell you guys he likes Colorado :)

Love you!


Teri said...

I don't have an answer to your question. But I just thought Everett is so cute in this picture! Love it!

Jill said...

I have no advice, only sympathy and hope that he'll grow out of all of the hard phases and continue with the sweet disposition forever.
Maybe he just doesn't like Arizona...

Emily said...

I can definately empathize with the non-sleeping thing. Zach is a NON-sleeper. He used to sleep like 11 hrs straight a night. Now he wakes up a ton. Go figure. We have tried what seems like everything, too, including crying it out. His Dr. swears that will work. It just doesn't for him. And since he used to have reflux I can sympathize with the throwing up. You poor thing! Good luck! Let me know if you figure something out!

Cami said...

I am sorry, for you and for Everett! He is such a CUTIE! That makes me sad :( I have no advice because I have never experienced first or second hand this kind of thing! My thoughts are with you, I wish I was there to relieve you for a few nights!

Anonymous said...

Gosh Natalee I have no i'm just wishing you good luck with that. And just know that you are a GREAT Mom! I have always looked up to you the way you raise your kids! :)

katie and co. said...

So not fun when your children have sleep problems. Mine just got worse by adding a new little person into the mix. I love the picture of Everett Such beautiful eyes.

carrie said...

poor Everett!
poor you!

Clearly you just need to move to Colorado!