Wednesday, September 26, 2007


All of the sudden our kids would not go to bed. I always thought I was the model parent on that one :) Our kids starting flailing on the ground, screaming, ect. Leaving them in the room screaming didn't work because we all live on one floor and they wouldn't stop. Steve suggested making a chart as we did for potty training. Brilliant. Worked like a charm. They get stickers for seven days of going to bed straight and then they pick out a dollar store toy. I have now started doing charts for everything. I'm obsessed. There's the "going to bed chart" and the "getting dressed by yourself chart". I am about to add "wiping yourself chart", "sharing chart" and soon to come "eating your vegetables by yourself" chart. I think by the end of the year my fridge will be full of charts.


carrie said...

don't you wish your life was so simple that 7 stickers and a dollar toy made you happy?

traveltwin said...

has steve been watching supernanny? please don't laugh at me because i love that show. bedtime woes are no fun. we had to move out of our room (we used to share with the baby) so that j. would go to sleep, and stay asleep. now we sleep in the living room. yeah. it's lovely.

Anonymous said...

Cute, great idea with the charts. I will make sure to try that when she gets older! Hey have you heard of "Deceptively Delicious" It's a cookbook for kids getting them to eat their veggies without them knowing they are eating them. Look on Oprah and get some free recipes like brownies made out of spinach for example. Good luck!