Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I know...I know it's not Halloween yet. . .

Yes, I realize this is a little premature. I do love Halloween however. I took Hudson to pick out his costume the other day and he decided on the muscle spiderman, I really tried to lean him toward a pirate or a knight because we already had some of that gear and would only need a few pieces, but he was determined to have spiderman or shrek. I didn't give him a choice with shrek (I didn't want him to walk around making grose noises, did anyone get that McDonalds toy? hated it.) so spiderman it was. He tried on the costume for Steve and pushing on his chest said "these are my feeders." I said "what did you say?" (thinking he said teeters and wondering where he learned that) but indeed he said "feeders". He then went on , "yeah, I feed the baby with them." We quickly explained those were muscles not the other.
By the way, sorry if I ruined the Halloween fun by revealing the costumes early. And Sadie is dressed up because if he was she had to be too. Of course.


Janice said...

We have the same costume. Toothsome #1 was Spiderman a few years ago. (In my family, feeders are "my nurse".)

carrie said...

feeders. that is hilarious

di said...

my favorite was when my oldest tried to nurse his little brother. he told me (he was 2.5 at the time) that boys have chocolate milk and mommy's have white milk.

Anonymous said...

Cute!!! Sadie is such a pretty girl. Monsavanh will be a fairy princess too or mommy wants her to be hehe.

Nan said...

Hahahaha! Hudson is hilarious! Abe used to hold his bear's mouth to his chest and lift up his shirt while saying "Bear is hungry." I just re-discovered your blog and its a riot! Thanks for sharing!