Monday, October 5, 2009

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Abram has been a good baby. He just hasn't been a consistant baby. I used to not know if I was going to sleep at night or if he was going to be up all night. And I would have to nurse him to sleep and then lay him down, if he woke up I would have to nurse him again to get him to sleep. Well, no more.
I was getting a bit desperate because I have 3 other little people depending on me and I was getting a bit tired. So I pulled out a dusty book on my shelf called "Happiest Baby on the Block". I received it when Hudson was born and read parts, but did not really need it because Hudson already was the happiest baby without any help from me.
So I read this book several days ago and it has changed my life (I know it has only been a few days, but such a dramatic difference). The book should be called "Happiest Mom on the Block". I knew about the swaddling and the swinging and whatever, but oh how I had forgotten. I wish I had read this book with Sadie and Everett. The trick is to do all five of the "S's". But you have to read the book to get it right and understand all the elements. It is a beautiful thing. The baby went from nursing constantly and sleeping 2 to 3 hour stretches to consistantly sleeping 4 to 5 hour stretches at night and 3 hour naps during the day without a "fussy time". It is a beautiful thing (did I already say that?). So this is a shout out to Kathleen Lewis for giving me this book, even if it is 5 years later. THANK YOU!
Here he is in action...


Unknown said...

wow. what are the 5 things. I will have to call you to get more info. Hang on to the book...hannah might need it someday.

traveltwin said...

glad you are getting more sleep. our little one is now 7 months and until last week was still waking up 3 times a night to nurse. yeah, we had to do something drastic to take care of that. glad you took care of it early on. hope you're having a great time with four, i miss you!