Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Deceptively Delicious

Veggies were always eaten and I never had any input when moms would ask "How do you get Hudson to eat his veggies?" "I don't know, he just eats them. He eats everything." I would say. Then Sadie was born. Sadie is my biggest critic in the food department. Even when I would mix peas in with her mac and cheese, she would sort out the peas and eat the mac. If I hid the pea under the noodles when she wasn't looking she would discover it in her mouth and the pea would be found and she would say "uh, uh" and it would be back in the bowl or on her chin. Then one day I found in the back of my cupboard a wedding gift that saved the day. A veggie chopper . So I basically super chopped the veggies and hid them on quesadillas or stirred it in with pasta. That worked. She is getting better at eating veggies but does not even come close to the three a day mark. So even better than the veggie chopper, my mother-in-law (thanks Judy) gave me a cookbook (which is apparently a best seller now, and she was on Oprah, probably the reason it is a best seller) by Jessica Seinfeld called Deceptively Delicious. It is about hiding pureed veggies in healthy kid friendly food. Amazing. So little does Sadie know but in her grilled cheese (above photo) is a full serving of butternut squash. So if you didn't catch that Oprah I thought I would pass it on because every mother with a "Sadie" should know this secret.


Anonymous said...

Ok, Natalee share please the recipes. On Oprah there are some recipes she has put in there but not all, so come on girl.

Natalee said...

Gladly. I don't have the time to write all, but
The Grilled Cheese is
-1/2 cup shredded cheese
-1/2 cup sweet potato or butternut squash puree
-1 Tbs margarine
-1/4 tsp salt
-whole wheat bread

you can make the purees ahead and freeze. and i actually doubled the recipe and added extra squash. The other recipe I have done is the quesadillas...
-1/2 lb chicken cutlets
-1/2 tsp salt
-1/8 tsp pepper
-1/8 tsp chili powder
-1/2 cup navy beans (I used pinto)
-1/2 c sour cream
-1/2 c butternut squash puree
-1/2 c cheese
-whole wheat tortillas
-1/2 c salsa.
there ya go maly. you call me and I will gladly share any of the others.

Natalee said...

Gladly. I don't have the time to write all, but
The Grilled Cheese is
-1/2 cup shredded cheese
-1/2 cup sweet potato or butternut squash puree
-1 Tbs margarine
-1/4 tsp salt
-whole wheat bread

you can make the purees ahead and freeze. and i actually doubled the recipe and added extra squash. The other recipe I have done is the quesadillas...
-1/2 lb chicken cutlets
-1/2 tsp salt
-1/8 tsp pepper
-1/8 tsp chili powder
-1/2 cup navy beans (I used pinto)
-1/2 c sour cream
-1/2 c butternut squash puree
-1/2 c cheese
-whole wheat tortillas
-1/2 c salsa.
there ya go maly. you call me and I will gladly share any of the others.

carrie said...

I wish I had a mom around making me delicious food to eat, with hidden veggies.

Sounds like a delux life.

Will you adopt me?

Jill said...

Sounds like I need to get that book. Avery used to eat veggies a lot, but now she won't eat anything that isn't candy or sweets (without throwing a fit). Sorry I have been MIA lately. I am back in action now!! Not getting much sleep, but at least it is cause I am nursing and not because I am tossing and turning with a huge belly!!! Are you going to CO for Thanksgiving?

Anonymous said...

You the BOMB!!!! THanks chica.

di said...

the only way that i can get my youngest to eat veggies is in soup. i will have to invest in this little treasure! thanks!

Melissa said...

i am responding to your cake questions! that was my first try at fondant! yours was so inspiring that i had to try it! i got together with a girl from my ward who has taken classes. the colors everything you can see is fondant, but there is frosting underneath it. i don't know if that is standard procedure or not... :) i don't know if i will do it again. it took so stinkin long! and you don't even eat the stuff! but i was happy with how this one turned out. thanks for inspiring me!

Melissa said...

oops. i meant to say: Everything you can see is fondant. just ignore the bit about "the colors"! :) that's embarassing...

traveltwin said...

wow, great idea! that book is available through our book club this month. now i'll have to get it!