Friday, November 23, 2007

In The Meadow You Cannot Build a Snowman

I have always been one of those people to pull out the Christmas tree at the earliest moment possible and I have also been known to play Christmas music before Thanksgiving. However, this year I have been in denial that it is even the Christmas season. What is wrong with me? I love Christmas! I will tell you what is wrong. It has been 90 degrees until this week it "cooled off" to the 80's. Having never lived in a warm climate during the holidays, it is just weird for me. I turned on the radio this morning to "In the meadow you can build a snowman..." and I changed the channel saying, no actually you cannot build a snowman in the meadow. I tried to think of Christmas songs I could listen to here and other than religious ones there aren't many. . . Sleigh Bells Ring, well no. Let it Snow, no. I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas, no. Frosty the Snowman, Baby it's Cold Outside, It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Do people in warm climates listen to these songs? It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm adjusting.


Teri said...

Well I have always had that exact feeling myself here in AZ. In fact, it still doesn't feel like Christmas to me and I will be spending my 4th here this year. Sorry! I miss the snow!

Janice said...

I have an Aunt who lives in Southern California and she said that she finally came to terms with a hot Christmas remembering where the first one took place--in Bethlehem, in April surrounded by desert.

Natalee said...

That helps Janice. I will think of the first Christmas, the most important one of all!

traveltwin said...

This will be my fourth Christmas in HOT weather and I'll tell you what--I have given up trying to adjust to a warm Christmas. It never feels as magical and fun when it's swelteringly hot outside. I miss the snow, or even a glimpse of chilly weather.

This year I'm taking a vacation from reality and pretending that we will have a white Christmas. I'm even considering blasting the air conditioning and spraying fake frost on the windows. It may not be authentic, but it makes hearing "Winter Wonderland" a lot more bearable.

Natalee said...

That's hillarious Jeanene. Where can I get some fake frost ? :)

traveltwin said...

not sure . . . i'm pretty new to this whole faking winter thing myself. maybe a craft store?