Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Few of my Favorite Things

So, this blogging thing is very new to me. I've never posted anything but a few comments here and there...but my lovely wife has done an excellent job in keeping all of you up to speed on the fun side of our lives. For this Thanksgiving I want to let you all know what I am thankful for:

1) Hudson James - Hudson continues to amaze me with the knowledge that he learns every day. He draws letters and smiley faces very well, and his vocabulary grows on a daily basis. He has a beautiful little voice. The other day I had just woken from a nap when Hudson asked, "Daddy, are you awake?" to which I replied, "Yep, what's going on?" He then said, "Listen to this daddy" and started a song that he was listening to on "Wonder Pets, Wonder Pets we're on our way..." He proceeded to sing the whole song to me with perfect pronunciation with a smile on his face. I was impressed. He's come a long way from last Christmas when he stood on the fireplace hearth and stomped his feet to an incomprehensible song he had just invented. He's a great first child.

2) Sadie Kay - with her puppy dog eyes and "love you too's" and "night dad's" Sadie melts my heart every day. She often runs up to Natalee or me and hugs us around the leg, looks up, and says, "I love you Daddy/Mommy." She has entered the terrible 2's but she does most of it in such an adorable way, it's hard to take her very seriously. We'll keep her around for sure.

3) Everett Michael - who can deny his one dimpled smile and big round eyes? People always ask us a church if he ever fusses, to which we reply, "only at night." We are lucky to have this precious little surprise in our family and wouldn't have it any other way.

4) Natalee Joye - a friend once said to me, "whoever marries Natalee Downs will just be holding on to her coattails while she's riding to the Celestial Kingdom." Fortunately for me, she chose me and I'm trying to hold on tight. There is no one I would rather be with than Natalee, no one who can make me laugh like Natalee, no one who can build me up like Natalee, no one who I admire on this earth more than Natalee, no better example of a great person than Natalee, and the list goes on and on. I am so privileged to have such a patient, loving, and kind companion. We are a team together and we struggle together to "fight the good fight." We not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but she's the more perfect part and I am just holding on for dear life to make it back to the Lord with her.

5) I could go on and on, but I'll just list a few other things I'm grateful for: Tom & Judy (most loving people in the world), Jim & Janett (best in-laws you could ask for), my siblings, living in the United States, school, good books, the beautiful earth, many friends we have come to admire over the last 28 years...

Finally, I am grateful for the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is my Savior, my patient friend, my guide, and my great example. Through all the mistakes, shortfalls, and sins of omission, the Lord has always help me do a little better the next time. This weekend, when we went to the Mesa Temple to see the Christmas lights we watched a video based off of Luke, chapter 2. The Spirit was so strong as I watched Mary hold the Savior in her arms. I thought, how incredible was the life of Jesus Christ. What an amazing impact he has had on this Earth! What an incredible impact he has had in my life and the life of my family! While I still have a long ways to go, I know that He lives and I love Him. I'm looking forward to this Christmas as my family celebrates His birth.
Sorry for the extra cheese on my first post, I just feel very grateful this Christmas season.


carrie said...

What a great post. Of course I completely agree - you have a fabulous family. And you aren't so bad either. ;)

We love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you just made me all weepy thanks a lot! You are so sweet. You guys are just so perfect together and made such beautiful kids.
Love you guys!
PS. You are 110% right about Natalee she is one of a kind that's for sure. When we were roomies just to have her in the same room brighten my day. She is a lot of fun. Miss ya!

Janice said...

Wow! What a great husband and father you are. You both make us Boulderites proud.

Natalee said...

Thanks for brightening my day, your one of my favorites too! Wow. The cheese is now starting to melt. We miss you too Maly.

Teri said...

So sweet! I always hoped Natalee would find someone as wonderful as herself to spend eternity with. I am just getting to know you Steve...but you will definetly do!

di said...

what a sweet post. hope that you are all well. i noticed on your blog that you have a speech therapy link. our youngest has a speech delay that we have been working with therapists, etc. do you guys have experience with this? i would love to get some advice.
thanks! diane