Friday, November 30, 2007

Things I Wish I'd Known Before Becoming a Mom

When I have a lot of housecleaning to do I pass the time by coming up with lists. Here is one I came up with today (as titled above)...

(in no particular order)
1. Wet wipes can be used for more than just bums. Never leave home without 'em.
2. Keep a water bottle by the kids bed to eliminate going to the kitchen to fulfill their last minute drink of water request.
3. If you have to take them shopping bring lots of candy (preferably suckers or anything that takes time to eat) or stop off at the food court and get them fries.
4. Check out library items in moderation.
5. When potty training give them raisin bran or other high fiber foods daily. Constipation and potty training are not friends.
6. You don't have to breastfeed for an hour for them to be full. And on that topic, reposition if painful. Breastfeeding could have its own major really.
7. A double stroller is a must with more than 1 (why I waited until I had three, I do not know).
8. A minivan is a must with more than two (I tried rationalizing this away, but it is so true).
9. Don't tell a child about big events (birthday parties, Santa coming, visits from Grandma and Grandpa) until minutes before the event (unless you can use it for bribery somehow).
10. Read Love and Logic The Early Years before they are two.
11. On picture day do the hair and put the clothes on at the picture place.
12. Give yourself an extra 20 min per child to get ready.
13. Veggies can be hidden (see previous post for more info)
14. Two-year-old tantrums don't compare to three-year-old tantrums (we haven't hit four yet).
15. If all of the sudden they have trouble sleeping and their not sick, they are teething (I forget this and then a tooth pops up)
16. A car organizer (hung on the back of the seat) with books, car toys, drawing board, etc makes car rides much more bearable. For long trips-invest in the portable DVD player.
17. Always check the weather before taking them for a walk/jog (I've been caught in windstorms and rainstorms more than once. I've had to call Steve at work to come pick me up at times).
18. Quality diapers are worth it when they are newborn.
19. The dishes can wait, go play.
20. Use paper plates until there are no dishes in the sink and the dishwasher is empty.

Back to cleaning.


Emily said...

What a cute picture! we sure miss you guys around here. i know i'm just starting out as a mom, but i do love your list! amazing how many things i didn't know before...

Janice said...

Diet Coke can turn a grumpy mom into a happy mom.

Jill said...

Wisdom beyond your years, dear Natalee. The raisin bran is a good tip for potty training. Any others, please pass them along. I laughed my head off at the picture day one. I don't get Avery ready for church until 5 minutes prior to leaving.

Adam said...

look at those BEAUTIFUL children! miss you. When are you coming to CO?

carrie said...

i'm going to get a double stroller when we have our first, so Dave can push the 2 of us around.

these are great words of wisdom...i need to write this stuff down.

carrie said...

ps you are cracking me up. i just looked at your profile and it says you do accounting, and you live in afganistan.

check this out:

Amy said...

You're funny. I'll have to read that book.

Unguren said...

Very cute list. I enjoyed reading it!

Melissa said...

You can never have too many Goldfish around (by the way, they make WHOLE GRAIN Goldfish now!), mom doubles as pack mule on Sundays, teenage babysitters can double your date night budget! there's a few from my list! Why aren't we neighbors???

Teri said...

My mom says I should real love and logic. Do you have a copy I could borrow?

Natalee said...

Thanks for the add on's. It should be a book rather than a list.
And I do have a copy you can borrow teri.