Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Little Pink Cast

Sadie went to the pediatric orthopedist yesterday. She has what they call a "Toddler's Fracture" (good call Adam). It is very difficult to diagnose because it is barely visable on an X-Ray. The urgent care doctor actually misdiagnosed the fracture and what he pointed out to me as a fracture was actually normal bone. I was thinking he was clueless but at the same time felt lucky that he thought there was a fracture. The pediatric doctor said the urgent care doctors have a hard job because they see so much. He said, "if you brought me a kid with a stomach ache I wouldn't have a clue what to do." Good point.

Sadie got to pick the color and before they even pulled out the options she said, "pink!". They were all laughing at how excited she was to have pink.

The good news is her cast is below the knee and in a few days will be able to walk on it as much as she can tolerate. I was relieved to hear that. Other good news, I asked the doctor how I could improve my kids bone health or if there was something genetically wrong. He said the kids are healthy and that these breaks are not uncommon from age 0 to 3 years old because they are top heavy, (this is not including Hudson's recent broken arm). He said there was nothing wrong with their bones.

The bad news...well, she has a broken leg, no swimming for 3 1/2 weeks, and dealing with a cast in the 110 + degree weather.


Unknown said...

I hope you feel better Sadie! We will bring treats to you when we come home from Pinetop!! Hang in there Natalee and Steve...you can do it! Plus, it is only really hot if it goes over 115. Tiff

Nichole and Jeremy said...

We love you sadie! Xander is excited to meet you! He has jaundice and so he would go well with your pink cast!

He is getting way better though! He had a little sun session today!

Heather and Ryan said...

so sorry you had to head to the ortho doc again!!! hope Sadie is feeling better!

Linds said...

I don't know how you do it woman! You are a great Mom to be able to take care of 3 kiddos... who seem to take turns getting hurt. But if anyone can do it, I know you can!